Managing Authentication

The authentication page controls everything related to user authentication. It has four important features

  • A signup module to create a new user
  • An email verification component to verify the email of a new user and activate their account
  • A login module that logs a verified user
  • A forgot password module to change the password to a new one if the user forget his current password


A user can create an account using the signup functionality provided by OWTF. Signup is a 2-step process

  • A user enters his correct credentials and then an email verification link is sent (shown in terminal if the SMTP server is not set).
  • User then clicks on the email verification link provided to activate his account

Email verification page where verification link can be resent


Sample of the email verification link that is sent to the user


In order for user to login to the application, OWTF provides the login functionality. Once a user has signed up he can login simply as shown below:


In case user forgets his password, he can follow the steps shown below to reset a new password.


Provide the username/email of the account for which you want to reset password


Sample of an OTP send to the user


OTP is sent and is required to be verified in this page


New password page to reset a new password